PART I : ~한 사람 처음 봐. (~한 사람 본 적이 없어)
우와, 말도 안돼. 나 저렇게 고집 센 사람 처음 봐. |
Wow, No way! I've never seen anyone so stubborn. (+about ...) (I've never seen such a stubborn person. ) He is the most stubborn person I've seen. He is the most stubborn person I know. (사람인 경우) |
어 나도 저런 (류의) 사람 처음 보는 거 같아. (추측의 어조) |
Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen anyone like that. |
누구랑 얘기만 하는데도 이렇게 힘든건 (또) 처음이야. | I've never had such a hard time just talking to someone. |
나도. 누구랑 대화만 하는데 이렇게 스트레스 받는 건 처음인거 같아. |
Me too. I don't think I've ever been under so much stress just having a conversation with someone. be stressed / get stressed / be under stress |
PART II : 극단적인 인상의 표현
나 이렇게 맛있는 파스타는 처음이야. / 처음 먹어봐. | I've never had pasta this good (before). (이렇게 맛있는) = I've never had pasta as good as this. (이것처럼 맛있는) 보다 직설적 표현 (문장 뒤 시기에 대한 내용확장 가능) This is the best pasta I've (ever) had (in years). This has to[must, has got to] be the best pasta I've ever had. cf. I've never had good paster like this. (부자연스러움) |
저렇게 많이 먹는 사람 처음 봐. | I've never seen anyone eat so much. I've neve seen any eat as much as him. I don't think I've ever seen any eat as much as him. cf. (극단적인) 사람의 행동에 대해서는 최상급으로 표현하지 않음. |
This must be the worst pasta I've had in my whole life.
I've never seen anyone sleep as much as you.
I've never seen anyone work as hard as her. = I don't think I've ever seen anyone work as hard as her.
💬영어회화 | 대화가이드 #04 (PART 1 OF 2) | "저런 사람 처음 봐." / "저렇게 고집 센 사람은 처음봐" - 일상적으로 사용하는 극단적인 표현 - YouTube
💬영어회화 | 대화가이드 #04 Part 2 of 2 | 일상 속에서 사용하는 극단적인 표현 추가 정리 - YouTube
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