너는 이번이 처음이니까 무리하지 말고 한번에 한 가지씩에만 집중해. |
This is your first time. so don't overdo it and just focus on onething at a time. |
동시에 여러가지를 하려고 하면 (괜히) 실수만 하니까 (그러니까) 완전히 익숙해질때까지는 일일이 다 따로따로 하는 거야, 알았지? |
If you try to do many things at the same time, you're just going to make mistakes.. (=you're bound to make mistakes : ~하기 마련이다) So, until you get completely used to it, you're going to do everything separately one by one. Ok?[Alright?] |
순서대로만 하면 문제는 없을거니까 서두르지 말고 천천히 해. |
You just have to do it in order and you won't have any problems. Don't hurry and (just) take your time. [Don't rush through it...] |
1. one at a time
- The applicants were interviewed three[a few] at a time.
- The interviews were carried out]conducted, done] a few applicants at a time.
2. (all) at the same time : 동시에 / (all) at once : 한(꺼)번에
3. adv. in order
1) 순서가 올바르게 / 순서가 틀리게
- do s/t in (the right[correct], the wrong) order
.You put this in the wrong order.
. No, I put it in the right order.
2) 순서가 안맞아/틀렸어
- It's in the right order.
- It's not in the right order. = It's in the wrong order
- It just has to be in the right order. - 순서만 맞으면 된다.
- Hey, (did you) check if it's in the right order.
🥊 영어회화 | 연습가이드 #19 (Part 1 of 2) | "한번에 하나씩" , "동시에 여러개" , "일일이 따로따로" - YouTube
💬영어회화 | 추가 표현 정리 (연습가이드#19 part 2 of 2) - YouTube
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