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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W3 - April 8th, 2021

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 To blow it To mess it up, to spoil or ruin a good opportunity/situation
. I had a job interview this morning. I really blew it by arriving 30 minutes late.
2 To slack off To waste time being lazy or not caring to do their work
. Every time I go to Canadian Tire, nobody tries to help. They’re always slacking off instead of working.
3 To hit the books Study hard
. We have an exam next week. Let’s go to the library and hit the boosk.
4 A lost cause Hopeless, no chance to change or help the situation
. Bobby has tries to learn French for years. He just can’t do it. It’s a lost cause at this point so he’s just moving to Toronto instead.
5 Over my head Over my ability to understand or learn something
. That science class is way over my head. I don’t think that I’ll be able to pass it.
6 To buckle down Get serious, get focused
. I have so much work to do and so little time. I need to buckle down and finish everything.
7 To stand a chance To have a chance at succeeding
. If you don’t speak English and French in Quebec, you don’t stand a chance!
8 to set your eyes on To look/see something
9 To have your heart set on s/t Strong desire
. I have my heart set on learning English. That’s why I listen to everything Mr. Nick tells me to do!