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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W3 - April 9th, 2021

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 to butt in To interrupt, to disturb, to cut in line
. Nancy is always butting into other people’s conversations.
. That man just butt into the lineup.
2 to be green with envy jealous
. When John g8ot a promotion at work, many of his coworkers were happy for him. But, some others were green with envy.
3 gung ho Excited, very interested, very enthusiastic
. Our teacher is really gung ho about teaching us these new expressions.
4 Head and shoulders above (s/o or s/t) Way better or superior than the others
. I have had many great teachers in my life, but Nick is head and shoulders above all of them.
. The pizza at Mamma’s restaurant is head and shoulders above the rest.
5 hit the nail on the head To be accurate, to be 100% precise
. In 2016, I really hit the nail on the head when I told everyone that Donald Trump would win the election.
6 To be on thin ice  To be in a fragile or dangerous situation
. The boss is angry that John is always late for work. I will warn John that he is (walking or skating) on thin ice with the boss.
7 To be walking on eggshells To be very carefully , delicate and probably uncomfortable situation
  . Jane walks on eggshells when her mother-in-law visits her house.
8 to shake in your shoes / boots / pants Very scared, terrified
. I heard a very loud bang last night. After that, I couldn’t sleep. I was shaking in my PJs all night.
9 Way to go Congratulations, good job, bravo!
. When the students passed their exams, the teacher said, “Way to go class! You did great!”.
. When my kids finish their homework, I say “way to go”.
10 Shut up To respond for amazing information
. Be quiet!                                                                                           (rude)
. You know? I won the lottery!  Shut up! It’s amazing!               (unrude to respond)