No. | Expressions/idioms | Explanations |
1 | To be in good spirits | To be in a good mood . John is usually grumpy in the mornings but today he seems to be in good spirits. I wonder why? (grumpy = cranky = techy = crabby = easily irritated / in a bad mood) |
2 | To beat around the bush | To talk around a subject and to not get to the point, To avoid a subject by talking about other things . When I entered my boss’ office, I had every intention to ask him for a raise. Instead, I started beating around the bush and never got around to asking him. |
3 | To shell out To dish out |
To pay (but usually unwilling or with “pain”) . If you send our kids to private school, you’ll need shell out thousands of dollars per year. Some people pay an arm and a leg for their kids’ education. |
4 | To be made of money | To be wealthy . Bill Gates is made of money. . I can’t afford to send my 3 kids to private school. I’m just a teacher. I’m not made of money. . I moved to Canada and I hope I will be made of money in the future. |
5 | Wise guy | Someone who thinks they are funny but really they are being annoying . My kids asked me to buy them a new PS5, but I told them that it’s very expensive and that money doesn’t grow on trees. Then they said, well, where does the money grow so we can go find it! I said, stop being wise guys! |
6 | To take the word by storm | To become famous, popular and successful quickly. . When MJ was 5 years old, he took the music world by storm. . In the early 80s, Gianni Versace took the fashion world by storm with his amazing new designs. |
7 | A dime a dozen | Not expensive / not important / easy to find . Nick, thanks for lending me your pencil. Unfortunately, I lost it. I’m so sorry! Can you please forgive me? Please, don’t worry about it. Pencils like that are a dime a dozen. |
8 | To make a splash! | To make a great impression (good and popular impression) . Shea made a huge splash at the party with her delicious food! |
9 | Those are “the breaks” | C’est la vie. That’s life. . I didn’t notice that I parked my car on the wrong side of the street. I ended up getting a ticket. Oh well, those are the breaks. |
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