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002. Would have p.p. None of this would've happened. : 그 모든 일들은 일어나지 않았을 겁니다. ==> 내 인생 최고 결정의 순간을 얘기하고 싶을 때 사용 - If I hadn't met the memtor, none of this would've happened. - None of this would've happened if i hadn't decided to become an English teacher. - I'm pretty sure ... none of this would've happened if I hadnn't been fired from Apple. - None of this would've happened, if I hadn't given a birth to my baby. - ..
생활 필수 표현 - 005. 마침/혹시 - happen 1. 마침 1) happen to + V : 마침 ~가 있어. - I happen to have some cash on me right now. : 마침 나한테 지금 현금이 좀 있어. - I happen to have a really good idea. : 마침 나한테 진짜 좋은 생각이 있어. - I happened to have some left-over pizza from yesterday in my refrigerator. (소유권이 나에게 있음) = There heppened to be some left-over pizza from yesterday in my refrigerator. - I happen to know someone who is planning to go to Australia s..
생활 필수 표현 - 004. 아까, 이따가, 얼마전에, 나중에 1. 기본 : ago VS in, from now (구체적 시간의 양) ago : (시간의 양만큼) ~전에 in / from now : (시간의 양만큼) ~후에/뒤에 . 5 minutes ago . a week ago . several months ago . several days agao . a couple of weeks ago . a week from now = in a week . a year from now = in a year . several days from now = in several days *later는 가급적 쓰지 말자... 2. earlier / later (구체적 시간의 양이 필요 없음) 1) 아까 : earlier + @ - (오늘 내를 기준으로 함) (@ : today / ..
생활 필수 표현 - 003. "다행이다" 3가지 표현 방식 1. relieve : 다행이다 (벌어진 상황에 대한 감탄사) - (oh) that's (such) a relief. - That is so (very) relieving. - It's a relief. 2. glad : ~해서 다행이야 - I'm glad it's not raining. - I'm glad you're here. - I'm glad you're with me. - I'm glad I can help. : 도움이 되었다니 다행입니다. - I'm glad I brought my wallet with me. - I'm glad I didn't ask him about that. 3. It's a good thing : ~하길 잘했어. - It's a good thing you mentione..
English Expression & Idioms W10- May 26th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 That’s the way the cookie crumbles Nothing you can do, that’s life, C’est la vie, “those are the breaks” . I was late for my job interview by just ONE NIMUTE! That was enough time for them to see someone else before me. He ended up getting the job instead of me. I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles. * crumbs = small broken pieces of food that we usuall..
English Expression & Idioms W10- May 28th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To stop by To pay a short visit, usually spontaneous or unannounced . Yesterday, I decided to stop by and visit my friend at his place of work. . Thanks for stopping by! ( = Thanks for dropping by! = Thanks for passing by! = Thanks for swinging by!) 2 To hold a grudge To continue keeping hard feelings against someone after a disagreement, a fight or a argues..
2021-05-25 : 10 sentences 1. John was nuts about snowboarding. So, He enjoyed it 4hours a day every winter season. He was really nuts. 2. As a matter of fact, he learned it all the nuts and bolts for 10 years. 3. He has many experience under his belt. 4. But recently, he doesn't enjoy it. because he was crush on Jane. She really hate skiing and snowboarding. 5. So, He was out of practice in snowboarding. Eventually, he l..
영어공부법 필수요소 4가지 1) Intensity : 강도 - 발음은 정확히 / 큰 소리로 --> 소리내기 - 공부한 것을 암기 / 쓰면서 --> 암기하기 2) Duration : 기간 - 최소 0.5시간/일 x 5일/주 x 25주/6개월 = 62.5시간 ??? - 성장 확인방법 : self 동영상 촬영 3) Output : 꺼내보기 - 실제 영어로 대화할 수 있는 환경을 구축 4) Feedback : 피드백(교정) - self 동영상을 통해 자기 자신을 feedback할 수 있음. 이제는 정말 영어 실력이 늘어야 할 때 입니다. 할 수 있습니다. - YouTube