English (192) 썸네일형 리스트형 English Expression & Idioms W5 - April 19th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Bright ad early Early in the morning / (sometimes means first thing) . My newspaper always gets delivered bright and early I the morning. . He goes to gym bright and early on weekends. 2 To not sleep a wink To stay awake all night without even one moment of shut-eye 한숨도 못자다. . I was so nervous last night about today’s job interview that I didn’t sleep a wink.. English Expression & Idioms W4 - April 15th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To have a heart of gold Generous, kind, giving . My grandfather was not a rich man, but he helped and gave to anyone who needed it. He truly had a heart of gold. . Whenever I meet her, she always smiles and try to help her classmate. I think she has a heart of gold. 2 To pig out To eat a lot, to eat more than you should . When people go to the movies, they u.. How do you use your blog? These days, we can easily find lots of blogs on the internet. Some people use their blogs to show themselves. They focus on the number of visitors. So, they try to upload interesting postings. Or if possible, they make a postings to teach something like an English. Another people use their blogs like an webhard. When they go on a business trip abroad and suddenly they come up with certain specia.. How to improve your listening skills Hello, How are you? I'm pretty good. Today, I saw a very interesting movie clip from YOUTUBE channel. So, I would like to share this information with you. This movie clip is about to how to improve our English Listening skill. Actually, we can hear the sound from our ears. But some people misunderstand that the this sound can be translate translated in ears. But this is absolutely wrong. Our ear.. 20210213_bucket_list 보호되어 있는 글입니다. say, tell, talk, speak say tell talk speak Type vt (타동사) : 목적어를 필요로 함. 3형식 vi (자동사) : 목적어가 필요 없음. : 전치사 요구됨. 주요 목적 말을 하는 내용에 집중 말을 하는 행위 그 자체 특이사항 특정 청자 X 특정 청자 O 대화 일방적인 정보 전달 영어사전 (Longman) to express something in words to communicate something (information, story, feeling, etc..) to say things to someone as part of a conversation to talk to someone about something say + O(something) + to + someone Tell + I.O (someo.. [W2] 1st Day PRESENT PERFECT (현재완료) 1. We use the Present Prefect to talk about an action that is either finished or unfinished up until this moment. - I have eaten breakfast = I ate breakfast. (Finished) - I have lived in Montreal for 2 years. (Unfinished) - I have studied at this schedual since 2018. (Unfinished) cf.) I studied at this schedule for 2 years. (Finished) *현재완료는 정확하지 않은 과거시점을 말할때 사용한다. - I hav.. [1W] 2nd Day 1. Simple Present Tense 1) to talk about our habitual(routine) action - I get up around 6:00 AM. - We go to school every weekday. 2) Facts - The Sun rises in thi morning. / The Sun set at night. - The Earth moves around the Sun. - Dogs do not speak. Dogs bark. ("개"라는 종 전체를 의미하므로 dog이 아닌 dogs) 2. Simple Past Tense - The action is 100% completed. - Usually use past time reference : last year, 2day.. 이전 1 ··· 21 22 23 24 다음