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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W5 - April 19th, 2021

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Bright ad early Early in the morning / (sometimes means first thing)
. My newspaper always gets delivered bright and early I the morning.
. He goes to gym bright and early on weekends.
2 To not sleep a wink To stay awake all night without even one moment of shut-eye   한숨도 못자다.
. I was so nervous last night about today’s job interview that I didn’t sleep a wink.
. Tomorrow I’ll take a exam and I didn’t study at all. Maybe I won’t sleep a wink tonight.
3 Fat chance No way (sarcastic)
. (A) Hey! You think the boss is gonna give us a raise this year or what?    (B) Fat chance!
. (A) I had a good dream. I’ll buy a lottery!                                                         (B) Fat chance!
4 I don’t have a clue. I have no idea. I don’t know
. Did the guy pass his exam? I have no clue. (I don’t have a clue).
. The child ran in the café. I don’t think his parents have a clue on his behavior.
5 Crash course Quick intensive course / unplanned
. I want to cook dinner for my friends this weekend but I don’t really know how to cook. My mom will pass by tonight to give me a crash course on cooking.
. He has to go on a business trip next month. So, he registered English crash course.
6 Mixed feelings To have a combination of feelings  
. When I broke the news to my family, that I’d be moving to Canada, they had some mixed feelings.
 . I hate him because he always makes fun of me. But, when I heard that he will moved to other country, I had mixed feelings.
7 A happy camper Someone very happy / satisfied
. I bought my sons some new baseball shoes yesterday. They were very happy campers.
. John was late for work again. The boss is really not a happy camper right now. John’s on thin ice and going to get the ax real soon!
8 Needless to say Obviously                              말할 필요도 없이
. bob’s grandfather died last week. Needless to say, he’s down in the dumps and needs some time to mourn his loss.
. He didn’t study math. Needless to say, he failed the exam.