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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W4 - April 15th, 2021






To have a heart of gold

Generous, kind, giving

. My grandfather was not a rich man, but he helped and gave to anyone who needed it. He truly had a heart of gold.

. Whenever I meet her, she always smiles and try to help her classmate. I think she has a heart of gold.



To pig out

To eat a lot, to eat more than you should

. When people go to the movies, they usually end up pigging out on junk food while watching a movie.

. I was very hungry but there’s nothing left in the refrigerator. When my mom came home with some fruits and groceries, I started to pig out.



Just what the doctor ordered

Exactly what I needed

. I was working outside in the garden during a very hot day. My neighbor came out and offered me a fresh cold glass of lemonade. It was just what the doctor ordered.

. I was very thirsty. Then my wife gave me a cold beer. It was just what the doctor ordered.




Out of this world

Delicious, amazing, fantastic, gorgeous, all positive things

. My mother’s pizza is out of this world! Nobody makes it like my momma!

. I went to Niagara fall. It was out of this world!



on edge

Feeling nervous, uncomfortable, and usually very irritable

. Nick is usually in a very good mood, but this week he has been a little[very] on edge. I think he’s a bit stressed out about something.

. I didn’t sleep well last night due to unusual noise. Today I was on edge all day.



On the edge


. John never follows the rules and often breaks the law. He got arrested last year and he is often in trouble. He likes to live on the edge.

. The man grabbed the gun and looked at me. I was on the edge.



To make a bundle

To make [earn] a lot of money

. When summer comes, I’m going to go out and sell ice cream at the parks and make a bundle!

. He worked hard to make a bundle because his son had a cancer so he needed money.



to give someone credit

To praise, to acknowledge someone’s efforts, sacrifice or hard work

. My students are very motivated to learn. They often travel for hours during rain and snow just to come to class and learn and improve their English. I really give them credit!

. He end up completing the project without any other’s help. I wanted to give him credit.



To burn bridge(s)

To burn your connections

. Always quit or leave your jobs in the best possible way. You never want to burn your bridges. Especially since you never know what tomorrow will bring.

. In Canada, it’s very important to network. So, you have not to burn your bridges.

