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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W7 - May 04th, 2021






All the rage

Very popular, very trendy and in style

. When I was a kid, ripped jeans were all the rage. Actually, I think that might still be in style!

. In my native country, inline skating is all the rage. There are lots of private clubs.




To be in good hands

To be in good, competent care

. I’m very nervous about my upcoming surgery, but at least I know that I’m in good hands with Dr. Smith. He’s the best! He really knows his stuff!

                                              Very good & understand his job (or specific subject) very well


. Before I arrived in Canada, I found a house because one of my friends live there and he help me find suitable house. I am in good hands with him.  



Sweet tooth

To love and enjoy sugary foods and desserts very much

. I always try my best to stick to my diet and my training, but (every) now and then, I still enjoy


some desserts. I have a sweet tooth that I can’t totally control!



Lose your touch

To lose your special ability

. I used to work as a chef for many years, but after I retired, I lost my passion and nowadays when I cook, I don’t really get the same results as I used to. I think I lost my touch.

  . When I was a high school student, I play the traditional drum very well. But, I haven’t played it since I graduated. I think I lost my touch.



Out of practice

To lose your ability to do something well, mainly because you have not practiced in a while

. John was a very good lawyer but I wouldn’t hire him right now. He hasn’t worked in years. I think he is out of practice.



Tricks of the trade

Tricks and special techniques developed from work

. When I want my class to have a conversation, but they don’t seem comfortable to start talking, I usually leave the room and tell them that I’m going to the bathroom. When I come back, they’re all talking. It’s an old trick of the trade.



Too many cooks spoil the broth

(too many cooks in the kitchen)

Too many people in charge that it will ruin the results  - 사공이 많으면 배가 산으로 간다.

. When I was working as a graphic designer, I had two bosses and a manager. They never seemed to agree on what they wanted me to do. I was always confused a when I had a meeting with them. I believe too many cooks spoiled the broth.



To call it night [day, week, year, career]

Stop / finish

. I’m exhausted, I’m going to call it a night and hit the sack/hay.

                                                                                              go to bed

. It’s 12:25 PM. Let’s call it a day and go home.

. Hey guys. TGIF!. Let’s call it a week!  

. With over 20 years of teaching under her belt, she has decided to call it a career.

. On December 31st : Let’s call it a year!


