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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W5 - April 21th, 2021





Under one’s belt


. When I first started teaching, I was often nervous and lacked some confidence. Nowadays, I don’t have an issue with that. Especially with almost 20 years under my belt.

. I have more than 10 years of marriage under my belt.

. I have 10 years as a father under the belt.

. I need to more practice under my belt.


Cf) below the belt               : (informal) unfair, cruel                      신사적이 아닌, 공정하지 않은

. Before the elections, that politician won't hesitate to aim below the belt.

. I hate arguing with my husband. He always fights below my belt.

. He really wanted the promotion, but telling the boss about my person issues was below the belt.



Give s/o a run for one’s money

Strong competition or challenge

. Brazil is a very strong soccer team. Canada, not so much. In yesterday’s game, however, Brazil beat Canada by a score of 5 to 4. Canada lost, but really gave Brazil a run for their money.

. Last year, when I played chess with my first kid, I easily won. But these days, he gives me a run for my money.



By far

By a very big difference or margin                   훨씬, 단연코

. I’ve had many teachers in my life, but Nick is by far the best I’ve ever had.

. I can speak several language, but Korean language is by far the most beautiful one.

. I’ve been to lots of beautiful place in the world. And I think the Quebec City is by far the best place for Korean people who watched drama “goblin”.



To be full of oneself

( = big head)

To be very arrogant

. My teacher thinks he’s so smart. This guy is so full of himself.

. He always win the chess game in his class. He is very full of himself.

. Sometimes I am full of myself, when it turns out my guess is correct.


  . He has such a big head.



To (not) give s/o the time of day

To completely (ignore / not) see or acknowledge

. I always try to speak with my new neighbor but he never gives me the time of day. He only gives me the cold shoulder.               cold shoulder : to ignore become upset with you

. When I met her first time, she never gave me the time of day. But now she is my wife.



Brown noser

( = kissing up

  = sucking up )

a suck up person who suck up toe he boss or anyone in a higher position of power or authority

. Kevin is always helping the boss and making him coffee. He also pays the boss a million compliments per day. I can’t stand him. He’s such a brown noser.

. I don’t like my manager, because he doesn’t do his job. Instead, he always tries to follow his vice present’s opinion and do what he wants. He is truly a brown noser.




So good                 /               smugly good (착한 척하는 사람 못마땅함)

. When I was a kid, the girls used to be goody-goodies. Nowadays, they often cause more trouble (ever) than the boys!

. He is too kind person. However, I feel incomportable when he try to help me before I ask a favor. At that time, he is goody-goody.

