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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W7 - May 06th, 2021






Love at first sight

To fall in love instantly                        (You had me at hello.          - from movie )

. When John first met Mary, it was love at first sight.



To be nuts about s/o [s/t]

To be crazy about / to love very much

. The students are nuts about their English teacher! They just love learning in his class!

                                                                        really, simply

. He yelled at his boss


* To be nuts, to be bananas – he’s going nuts, he’s going bananas.



To crank out

To produce, to make

. McDonald’s cranks out millions of burgers each day!

. A customer ordered 1,000 cookies. We need to crank them out by Monday morning!



Crunch time

To period of time where you must produce something (often in a short period of time)

. We have 3 exams next week soon [right around the corner]. We need to buckle down and hit the books or else this whole semester will be a lost cause. Come on, it’s crunch time! Let’s roll up our sleeves and get down to business!



One-track mind

To always think about and talk about one thing

. John is always talking about sports, sports and more sports. That guy really has a one-track mind.

. I quit the job even though I have to raise my children. These days, I have one-track mind for making money.



To plug away

To keep doing something even when it is something boring or hard to do          ~ 꾸준히 하다

(keep doing s/t      / stick to : don’t quit s/t)

. At first, learning English was not easy for me but I kept plugging away with my courses, watching TV and learning new expressions. Today, I can speak and understand so much better than when I first started.

. I was very nervous about job interview. So, I kept plugging away practicing it based on expected questions. Now. I feel better than when I started it.



To make out

(making out)

Passionate kissing

. John and Mary are head over heels in love with each other. They are always making out every time they spend time together.


* hang out              : to spend time somewhere or with someone

* hang around       : to spend time around someone or somewhere


