English (192) 썸네일형 리스트형 English Expression & Idioms W2 - May 29th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Be about to Be ready to . I was about to start working on my homework when the power suddenly went out. . She is pregnant and now, she is about to have a baby. 2 After all After you consider everything 어쨌든 / 결국에는 . I got into really big fight with John. I decided to invite him to my birthday party even though I’m still upset. After all, he’s still my brother.. English Expression & Idioms W1 - May 26th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Hit the road Go on a trip, begin to travel somewhere . I’ve got to hit the road now. 이제 그만 가봐야겠다. . I’d like to hit the road when I’m on vacation. 방학 때 여행하고 싶다. . Let’s hit the road to the nearby bookstore. 가까운 서점으로 출발하자. . hit the gas : drive faster 2 Up to (something) Doing something wrong or secret / planning to something bad . I wondered what my daughter.. English Expression & Idioms W1 - May 25th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Speak of the devil When a person appears just after being mentioned. 호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다. (얘기하는 중 얘기 당사자가 나타남) . You speak of the devil, and he appears. . Speak of the devil, now he is here. 2 Pet peeve 극혐 (꼭 극혐이 아니거나 소소한 것에도 사용 가능함) . My pet peeve is people who eat too fast. . What are your pet peeves? . The doctors ranked this behavior as one of their biggest p.. 스티브잡스 스탠포드 연설 INTRO 0:05 I am honored to be with you today for our commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. 0:15 truth be told : 솔직히 말해서, - Truth be told, I never graduated from college. 0:21 This is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. FIRST STORY 1:00 put (s/o) up for ... : ~을 ...에 추천하다. - She decided to put me up for adoption. - He put me up for this postion. 1:14 - a.. Writing I went to the national park called "Oka". It took around forty minutes-ish from my home to there. Before I went there, one of my friends said to me that many people go there because it's near this city. So, we leave home as early as possible. it was eight twenty. I was a little bit nervous. becasuse today was Sunday. But fortunately, we didn't experience any traffic jam. ... before we arrive the.. 생활 필수 표현 - 006. 상관 없어요 A. 중요하고 중요하지 않음. 1. (어느쪽이든 큰 문제가 없다.) : matter - It's doesn't (really) matter. - I don't think it (really) matters. 2. (난 상관없어) : I don't care. - It doesn't matter to me what he says. - I don't care what he says B. 상관 (영향성이) 있고 없음. : have something to do with - What doest that have to do with this? 그게 이거랑 무슨 상관이야? - That has nothing to do with this. 그건 이거랑 상관이 없어요 - That has a lot to do with thi.. 007. ever 많이 써주는 3가지 상황 1. 그러긴 하니? - 현재시제에서 종종/가끔이라도 - Do you work out? 당신은 운동을 하시나요? - Do you ever work out? 당신은 운동을 하시긴 하나요? (때때로라도 운동을 하시나요?) - Do you (ever) eat breakfast? 밥은 먹고 다니냐? - Do ever swear ? (착한 아이에게) 욕을 하긴 하니? - Do you ever listen to what I say? 내가 하는 말 듣기는 하니? - Did you ever listen to my demo? 내 데모(테잎) 듣기는 했었니? 2. Have you ever : at any time (한번이라도) - Have you ever eaten Korean food like 비빔밥? - Have you.. English Expression & Idioms W11- June 2nd, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To break into To enter illegally with force/suddenly . A thief broke into my car last night and stole some of my belongings. . She broke into the castle and took Rapunzel. Suddenly become famous successful . Michael Jackson broke into show business when he was just a kid. . He was the only person who has a IQ200 in the world. He broke into the intelligent or.. 이전 1 ··· 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ··· 24 다음