English (192) 썸네일형 리스트형 생활 필수 표현 - 010. 여러모로 / 어느정도 / 어떻게 보면 1. in many (a lot of) ways, 여러모로 2. on some level(s) 어느 정도 3. in some ways 어떻게 보면 I think I'm just going to go with a compact car. 나 그냥 경차로 할까봐. I understand that it can be inconvenient in many (a lot of) ways. 여러모로 불편할 수도 있다는 것은 아는데.... There is no such thing as a perfect car, isn't it. 완벽한 차라는 것은 없잖아? Whatever I go with, I'm gonna have to make compromises on some level(s). 뭘로 하든간에 어느정도의 단점은 감수.. 생활 필수 표현 - 009. 이맘때(쯤) / ~에 가까워질수록 1. around this time of the year : 이맘때(쯤) - Around this time of the year, there are a lot of gatherings. 이맘때쯤이면 모임이 많아요 - We get really busy around this time of the year. 2. ~에 가까워질수록 1) towards ~ : (특정 시기)에 가까워질수록 - towards the end of the year - towards the end of the month - There are a lof of year-end gathering around this time of the year, and it gets even worse towards the end of the month. .. 생활 필수 표현 - 008. 빈도묘사 once a day 하루에 한번 once every two days 이틀에 한번 twice a week 1주일에 한번 once every three weeks 3주에 한번 three times a month 한달에 3번 once every four months 4달에 한번 once every other week = twice a month 격주에 한번 ( = 한달에 두번) once every other hour [day/Monday/month....] once every two or three days 2~3일에 한번씩 (every) once in a while 어쩌다가 한번씩 from time to time 때때로 sometimes 가끔 I brush my teeth three times a day. .. 생활 필수 표현 - 007. ~치고는 (어떻다.) 1. It's pretty big for a 3 months old. 3개월 치고는 꽤 크다. 2. It's really good for a 10,000 won pizza. 1만원짜리 피자 치고는 꽤 맛있다. 3. For a public bathroom in a park of this size, it's pretty good bathroom 이 정도 크기의 공원 내에 있는 공중화장실 치고는 괜찮은 편이다. 4. It's pretty good quality for something you bought at a dollar store. 1달러 샵에서 산 거 치고는 품질이 꽤 좋은데? 5. For someone who has just lost her mother, she's doing pretty good. .. S01 x E16 11:50 Let me put it this way. : 이런 식으로 (다시) 설명을 하지요. - 무례하게 들릴수도 있음. = What I am trying to say is... - 18:22 look into : 조사하다, 주의깊게 살펴보다. - You might want to look into it. - This cave is very weird. We need to look into it. 20:12 end up - No, I ended up telling her everything. - I burned the midnight oil yesterday to study math exam. Eventually, I ended up passing the exam. 22:55 take down : 분해하.. S01 x E14 11:30 jet lag : 시차증 - So, if dogs experience jet lag... - When I traveled to Canana and come back, I felt very tired due to jet lag. 18:40 There is no way (to) : ~할 방법이 없다. - There's no way to tell you this. - There's no way to help him. 22:00 put aside (문제를) 제쳐놓다 / for now : 지금은, 우선은. - But what do you say we just put that aside for now. - Please put the quality aside. Keeping the schedule is m.. S01 x E12 Paolo made a pass at me. : 파올로가 나에게 수작을 걸었어. English Expression & Idioms W10- May 26th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 That’s the way the cookie crumbles Nothing you can do, that’s life, C’est la vie, “those are the breaks” . I was late for my job interview by just ONE NIMUTE! That was enough time for them to see someone else before me. He ended up getting the job instead of me. I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles. * crumbs = small broken pieces of food that we usuall.. 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 24 다음