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Jon & Amy : Lesson 01. Jon Meets Amy No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Be choosy To be picky, to not like many things. . What kind of food do you like? // I’m not choosy. I like all kind of foods including oriental, western…. 2 Have a sec To have some free time . Excuse me, do you have a sec? // Sure, what can I do for you? 3 Blockbuster A popular movie that made a lot of money . Have you watched “Matrix”? It was a blockbuster...
Jon & Amy : Lesson 20. Wedding Bells No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Tell me about it! I agree! You can say that again! . Our English teacher is wonderful! He gives us lots of useful expressions and examples. // Tell me about it! 2 A month of Sundays A very long time . Hello, It’s been a long time. // Yeah, tell me about it! It’s been a month of Sundays. 3 Spill the beans To tell s/o s/t, spill the tea, tell me all the secret..
Jon & Amy : Lesson 19. A Second Chance No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 It’s been ages It’s been a long time. . Hello, John. Nice to see you again. // You too. It’s been ages. How have you been? 2 Hang in there To keep trying, not give up . Are you still struggling to be a doctor? // I’m hanging in there. . The Montreal Hockey Team was dropped? // No. they are hanging in there. They will go to final round. 3 What’s new with you?..
Jon & Amy : Lesson 18. Jon is Down No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Go down To happen . How did things go down with Amy? // Not good! I dumped him yesterday. 2 Take a punch To have s/t bad happen . Hey, what happened to you? You look sad. // I took a punch. 3 End of the road The end, no other options left . Did she break up with you? // Yeah, It’s the end of the road. . I have no money, my family went away from me, today I g..
Jon & Amy : Lesson 17. Jon and Amy Break Up No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 heart-to-heart A serious talk : 털어놓고, 숨김없이 . If you have a problem, please let me know heart-to-heart. 2 Break up To end a relationship . John and his girlfriend often argued and eventually they broke up. . John are you okay? You look terrible. // I broke up with Jane. 3 What’s up? What’s happening? / What’s new? . . We need to have a heart-to-heart. // Okay..
Jon & Amy : Lesson 16. The Relationship Sours No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 What’s shaking? What’s happening in your life? . Good morning? // Hi… // What’s shaking? // not much. 2 Down Sad . You look down. What’s shaking? . He was down because he failed the final math exam. 3 Bend one’s ear To talk to s/o : 진지한 이야기를 하다. (억지로) 듣게 하다. . I want to bend your ear. This is a secret. But I’ll tell you because you’re my best friend. . I hav..
Jon & Amy : Lesson 15. Jon Forgets Their Anniversary No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Read one’s mind To know what someone is thinking . Why are you so upset, Amy? // Don’t you know? // Well, I can’t read you mind. 2 Oh My God! Oh, no! (an expression used to show surprise) . You forgot our one-year anniversary. It was a yesterday!! // Oh, my God! . Did you do the math homework? // Oh, my God! I completely forgot it. 3 What can “sorry” do? A r..
Jon & Amy : Lesson 14. Falling in Love No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Get away To take a vacation . It’s such a beautiful night. // Yeah, We picked a great day to get away. 2 Get along To be on good terms . Jon and Amy just meet one month ago, but they got along so well. 3 Be head over heels To become completely in love with s/o . I’m falling head over heels in love with you. . He is head over heels in love with his new girlfr..