English (192) 썸네일형 리스트형 Jon & Amy : Lesson 09. Amy Passes Her Test No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Be on cloud nine To be very happy . Fantastic! I’m on cloud nine! I passed the exam! . I got a dream job, and I won the lottery. I popped the question and she said yes. I’m on cloud nine. 2 Be all ears To be ready to listen . I have a secret. Do you want me to tell you about it? // of course, I’m all ears. . I popped the question to her. // What? Then? Tell .. Jon & Amy : Lesson 08. Andrew Gets Fired No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 What’s up? What’s new? What’s happening? . What’s up? // Not much. 2 Same old, Same old Same as usual . What’s up? // Not much. Same old same old. 3 How’s it going? How are you? How are things with you? . How’s it going? // I’m great! Thanks. 4 Be down To be sad . Today, I’m a little down because I failed the test. 5 Get s/t off one’s chest To talk about a p.. Jon & Amy : Lesson 07. Preparing for a Test No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Be a bundle of nerves Be very worried or anxious . Thanks for helping me study. I’m a bundle of nerves about math exam. . Don’t be a bundle of nerves about whole things. 2 Strong suit To be good at s/t . Math is my strong suit. . I got a master’s degree on aeronautical engineering. So, the aircraft is my strong suit. 3 Have a mind for s/t one is good at . I .. Jon & Amy : Lesson 06. Girls’ Night Out No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Awesome Good, cool, or talented . How about the concert last night? // It was awesome!! 2 Be crazy about To like a lot . I’m really crazy about you. 3 Top-notch Excellent, the best . This model is the top-notch mobile phone. . I think this car is by far the top-notch. 4 Luck out To be successful by chance : 운이 좋았어 . We lucked out with these tickets. . I luck.. Jon & Amy : Lesson 05. Jon Has a Crash No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 The big night An important and special time . Was last night the big night? // Yeah, it was great! 2 Give the scoop To tell s/o about s/t . How was it last night? // Fantastic!!! // Give me the scoop. 3 By far To a great degree . How was the concert last night? // It was by far the best concert I’ve ever seen. . He is by far the best English teacher. 4 Count.. Jon & Amy : Lesson 04. The First Date No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Be free To be available , to have no plans . I’m glad you were free tonight. . I’m busy on weekdays but I’m free on weekend. 2 Get to know each other To learn things about each other . Jon and Amy were falling in love at first sight. So, they want to get to know each other. . in English class, I met classmates, we tried to get to know each other. 3 Have two .. Jon & Amy : Lesson 03. Jon Calls Amy No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Grab a bite To quickly eat a meal . We don’t have much time. Let’s just grab a bit with sandwich. 2 Pick choice . Did you enjoy my movie picks? to choose . I picked her among them. Because she was hot. 3 Have good taste To have good ideas or choices . Do you wanna go movies? You have good taste. . Before you go to USA, you have to learn english hard. // You .. Jon & Amy : Lesson 02. Meeting the Parent No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Have a crush on To like s/o (romantically) . Sara, guess what? I have a crush on a boy I met last night. . 20 years ago, I met my wife at school. I had a crush on her at first sight. 2 Where on earth Where (stated with surprise) . Where on earth did you meet him? . Where on earth can I find my sock? 3 Easy on the eyes Attractive, good-looking . What’s he lik.. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 24 다음