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생활 필수 표현 - 021. 긍정적으로 생각하기 1. (It's) better than nothing. - 없는것보단 낫잖아. - It's not exactly what I was looking for but it's better than nothing. 2. Better late than never. - 늦더라도 않한것보다 낫잖아. 3. Better safe than sorry. - (나중에 후회하기보단) 안전하게 하는게 낫지. (비올 것 같으면 우산 챙겨라.) 4. At least now we know. - 최소한 이제 우리는 알잖아. 5. It could've been (a lot) worse. - 더 않좋을 수도 있었어. (이만하길 다행이야.) - 이미 벌어진 일 - It could be (a lot) worse. 더 않좋을 수도 있어. (미래..
생활 필수 표현 - 020. 한번에 하나씩, 동시에 여러 개, 일일이 따로따로 너는 이번이 처음이니까 무리하지 말고 한번에 한 가지씩에만 집중해. This is your first time. so don't overdo it and just focus on onething at a time. 동시에 여러가지를 하려고 하면 (괜히) 실수만 하니까 (그러니까) 완전히 익숙해질때까지는 일일이 다 따로따로 하는 거야, 알았지? If you try to do many things at the same time, you're just going to make mistakes.. (=you're bound to make mistakes : ~하기 마련이다) So, until you get completely used to it, you're going to do everything separa..
생활 필수 표현 - 019. 비례식 표현 정리 PART I. ...할수록 ~하다. 비례식 표현 1. ~할수록 좋다. 1) 많을수록 좋아. : The more the better. 2) 가까울수록 좋아 : The closer the better. 3) (시간/시점) 이를수록 좋아 : the earlier[sooner] the better 4) 작을수록 좋아. : the smaller the better 2. ~할수록 ...하다. - 1) 작을수록 가격이 더 싸(저렴해져) - the smaller the cheaper ==> The smaller it is the cheaper it is[get]. - The smaller it is the more expensive it is[gets]. - The smaller it is the more conven..
생활 필수 표현 - 018. 애매한 묘사 1. 뭔지 모르겠어 : I don't know what it is. 1.1 정확히 뭔지는 모르겠는데.. : I dont' know exactly what it is 1.2 정확히 뭐라고 하기에는 좀 어려운데.. : I can't say [It's hard to say] exactly what it is.. 2. 걔 이상해 : He's strange. 2.1 걔(는) 어딘가 좀 이상해 : There's something strange about him. ==> I don't know what it is, but there's something strange about him. ==> I don't know what it is, but there's something + about him + that's (..
생활 필수 표현 - 017. 대화가이드 PART I : ~한 사람 처음 봐. (~한 사람 본 적이 없어) 우와, 말도 안돼. 나 저렇게 고집 센 사람 처음 봐. Wow, No way! I've never seen anyone so stubborn. (+about ...) (I've never seen such a stubborn person. ) He is the most stubborn person I've seen. He is the most stubborn person I know. (사람인 경우) 어 나도 저런 (류의) 사람 처음 보는 거 같아. (추측의 어조) Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen anyone like that. 누구랑 얘기만 하는데도 이렇게 힘든건 (또) 처음이야. I've never had..
Travel No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Rush hour Time of heavy traffic . He likes to stay at work late so he can miss the rush hour. 2 Traffic jam Many cars on the road and they can’t move easily . I got caught in a traffic jam this morning, so I was an hour late for work. 3 In the same boat In the same (difficult) situation . Robert and Frank both lost their jobs last week. Now they are in the s..
Recreation No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 A ball park figure An estimated number, an approximation . I don’t know exactly how much that computer costs. I can just give you a ball park figure. It’s about $1,500. 2 A good sport A person who is fair and friendly and doesn’t complain if he/she loses . Ruth is a very good sport. She neve gets upset when she loses a tennis game. 3 Be all thumbs Be clumsy(..
Jon & Amy : Lesson 10. The Girls Go Shopping No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Shop till one drops To shop until one is too tired to move . I’m glad you came shopping with me. // Me too. Let’s shop till we drop! . Jane really like shopping. She always shop till I drop. 2 Pick out To choose . I need to pick out something to wear on my next date. . What color of dress do you want to pick out? 3 Not have the foggiest idea To not know, to ..