English (192) 썸네일형 리스트형 Jon & Amy : Lesson 13. Andrew Gets Hired No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 What’s up? What’s new? / How are you? . What’s up, John? // nothing special. 2 Grey skies always clear up. Bad things go away . He got fired last month, and today he gets a new job. Grey skies always clear up. . He felt that learning English is not easy. But he stopped studying and 2 years later he could speak English fluently like a native speaker. Grey ski.. Jon & Amy : Lesson 12. Meeting the Parents No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 What are you up to? What are you doing? / What are your plans? . What are you up to? // I’m just hitting the books for tomorrow’s exam. . What are you up to this summer vacation? // I have no clue. 2 Have a lot on one’s plate To have a lot to do / to be busy . What are you up to over spring break? // I don’t have a lot on my plate. Why? . Do you have time? /.. Jon & Amy : Lesson 11. Talking about Future Plans No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Time flies! Time goes by so fast! . Time flies! Tomorrow is the final exam and we’re gonna get summer vacation! . I thought I always keep teenager. But I am already 40 year old man. Time flies! . My daughter will go to school this year. Time flies! 2 Long road A path that takes a long time to travel . We’re graduating from college this year. Yes, It’s been a.. English Expression & Idioms W11- June 2nd, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To break into To enter illegally with force/suddenly . A thief broke into my car last night and stole some of my belongings. . She broke into the castle and took Rapunzel. Suddenly become famous successful . Michael Jackson broke into show business when he was just a kid. . He was the only person who has a IQ200 in the world. He broke into the intelligent or.. English Expression & Idioms W11- May 31th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 All along The whole time . I was playing hide-and-seek with my son, Jason. I couldn’t find him anywhere. He was hiding under his bed all along. . He stayed up all night last night. So, he couldn’t concentrate the English class all along. . She felt very tired. Eventually, she slept today all along. 2 To freak out To lose control emotionally / strong emotiona.. English Expression & Idioms W10- May 28th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To stop by To pay a short visit, usually spontaneous or unannounced . Yesterday, I decided to stop by and visit my friend at his place of work. . Thanks for stopping by! ( = Thanks for dropping by! = Thanks for passing by! = Thanks for swinging by!) 2 To hold a grudge To continue keeping hard feelings against someone after a disagreement, a fight or a argues.. 2021-06-21 1. foot in mouth : 말실수를 하다 (의도치 않게 당황하게 되는 상황) - I put my foot in my mouth when they started to laugh at me as soon as I answered their question. Blue Exorcist 02 1. flirting : 희롱하는, 시시덕거리는, 장난삼아 연애하는 - Are flirtreaing with that girl? 2. flunky : 아첨꾼, 엉터리 신사, 낙제생 - You're always hanging around with those flunkies. 3. odd : 이상한, 특이한 (odd number : 홀수 even number : 짝수) - I saw an odd man yesterday. 4. monk : 수도사 - That monk's from the cursed temple. 5. reaper : (농작물을) 수확하는 사람 6. get off : 떠나다, ~를 떠나게 해주다, 벗어나다 7. close to s/o : ~와 친하게 지내다. - Don't get close .. 이전 1 ··· 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ··· 24 다음