분류 전체보기 (240) 썸네일형 리스트형 006. 나를 자존감 킹으로 만들어준 두 가지 영어표현 1. I'm supposed to be here. : 나 여기 있어도 돼. 2. You deserve it. : 너 자격이 있어. I deserve to be here. I'm much stronger than I imagine. Anything in the world can't change my conviction. 나를 자존감 킹으로 만들어준 두 가지 영어표현. - YouTube 005. be supposed to ~하기로 되어 있다. 의무 / 예정 / 기대 You were supposed to be here (but why you're not here?) : 그러지 않은 이유를 묻기 위해 사용 You were supposed to stay home. You were not supposed to go out. You were supposed to keep the secret. I was supposed to get a vaccine shot at the clinic yesterday. But, I realized that the clinic has only MODERNA. So, I cancelled my appointment. My kids were supposed to go to school tomorrow. .. 004. could have p.p. I could sleep all day. : 나 하루종일 잘 수 있었다. : because I took a day off. So, I slept all day. I could've slept all day. : 나 하루종일 잘 수 있었다. But I didn't. I just went out to meet my frineds. ==> I didn't sleep all day. (실제로는 그러지 않았음) ==> 바로 뒤에 주로 didnt'의 문장이 주로 나타남. I could've bought an iphone. But I didn't buy an iphone. I bought a Galaxy. Never say "I could've done that." because you didn't. I could'.. 003. Should've p.p. - 아쉬움의 표현 1. should : right / better - 무엇인가를 하는 것이 옳고 더 좋을 때 사용 : ~하는게 좋겠다/낫겠다. : must / have to : 의무감이 있음. - (I think) I should get going. - You should follow her. - I think I should study English everyday until I got a IELST score 8.0. 2. should've p.p. : (하지 않았던 일에 대하여) 하는 것이 옳았구나/좋았구나 - 아쉬움이 남음 - I should've done that. - I should've bought that. - You should've told[asked] me this before - You shouldn.. 002. Would have p.p. None of this would've happened. : 그 모든 일들은 일어나지 않았을 겁니다. ==> 내 인생 최고 결정의 순간을 얘기하고 싶을 때 사용 - If I hadn't met the memtor, none of this would've happened. - None of this would've happened if i hadn't decided to become an English teacher. - I'm pretty sure ... none of this would've happened if I hadnn't been fired from Apple. - None of this would've happened, if I hadn't given a birth to my baby. - .. 생활 필수 표현 - 005. 마침/혹시 - happen 1. 마침 1) happen to + V : 마침 ~가 있어. - I happen to have some cash on me right now. : 마침 나한테 지금 현금이 좀 있어. - I happen to have a really good idea. : 마침 나한테 진짜 좋은 생각이 있어. - I happened to have some left-over pizza from yesterday in my refrigerator. (소유권이 나에게 있음) = There heppened to be some left-over pizza from yesterday in my refrigerator. - I happen to know someone who is planning to go to Australia s.. 생활 필수 표현 - 004. 아까, 이따가, 얼마전에, 나중에 1. 기본 : ago VS in, from now (구체적 시간의 양) ago : (시간의 양만큼) ~전에 in / from now : (시간의 양만큼) ~후에/뒤에 . 5 minutes ago . a week ago . several months ago . several days agao . a couple of weeks ago . a week from now = in a week . a year from now = in a year . several days from now = in several days *later는 가급적 쓰지 말자... 2. earlier / later (구체적 시간의 양이 필요 없음) 1) 아까 : earlier + @ - (오늘 내를 기준으로 함) (@ : today / .. 생활 필수 표현 - 003. "다행이다" 3가지 표현 방식 1. relieve : 다행이다 (벌어진 상황에 대한 감탄사) - (oh) that's (such) a relief. - That is so (very) relieving. - It's a relief. 2. glad : ~해서 다행이야 - I'm glad it's not raining. - I'm glad you're here. - I'm glad you're with me. - I'm glad I can help. : 도움이 되었다니 다행입니다. - I'm glad I brought my wallet with me. - I'm glad I didn't ask him about that. 3. It's a good thing : ~하길 잘했어. - It's a good thing you mentione.. 이전 1 ··· 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ··· 30 다음