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Expression Upgrade #12 - as far as (s/o, s/t) be concerned, 1. As far as s/o is concenred, - As far as I'm concerned, you didn't do anything wrong. (내가 보기엔 넌 아무 잘못이 없어, - 좀 더 개인적인 견해) *The way I see it, you didn't do anything wrong. (좀 더 중립적인 관념) They way I see it, you warned him, right? And he didn't listen. So, you didn't do anything wrong. - It bothers me, too. But as far as he's concerned, it's his money and he can do whatever he wants with it. (..걔 ..
Expression Upgrade #11 - to name a few / to say the least / least of all 1. (just) to name a few : ~말고도 더 있어요 - I love traveling Southeast Asia. I've been to the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia (just) to name a few. I think Thailand was my favorite. - I've tried many different diets - Atkins, Keto, intermittent fasting (just) to name a few. For me, intermittent fasting was the hardest. 2. to say the least : 그냥 ...한 정도가 아니었어 (가장 약하게 말한 거야) - The show started off re..
Expression Upgrade #09 - What is there to ~ : ~할게 뭐가 있어? 1. 1) Are you worried about something? : 뭐 걱정되는게 있으세요? 2) What are you worried about? : 뭐가 걱정되세요? 3) Why are you worried about that? : 그게 돼 걱정되세요? ==> Why worry? (뭐하러 걱정해? 걱정해서 뭐해?) ==> Why wait? (뭐하러 기다려? 기다려서 뭐해?) ==> What is there to worry about? ==> What is there to talk about? (걱정할 게 뭐가 있어? = 걱정할 것이 없다.) . What is there to think about? . What is there to cook? . What is there to study? . Wh..
Expression Upgrade #08 - ahead I thought you might ask. I'm getting ahead of myself. 영어 표현력 UP 🔥 ahead 의 다양한 활용 - YouTube
Expression Upgrade #07 - 생각보다 괜찮아. It looks / sounds (a lot) worse than it (actually) is. : 실제보다 더 않좋아보여. --> 실제는 더 괞찮아. = It's not as bad as it looks/sounds. = It's not that bad. 영어의 희한한 표현방식 🤔 "생각보다 괜찮다" → It's looks worse than it is - YouTube
2021-05-22 : 10 sentences 1. Please don't take it the wrong way but.... do you have some problem with your boss? 2. I'll get it off my chest. He always make me angry. Yesterday I argued with him, so seriously. 3. OMG. This morning, I heard that he will give you the ax(e) end of this week. 4. I don't want to get canned. 5. Without this job, I even don't live from hand to mouth. 6. But, please look on the bright side. You ..
Expression Upgrade #06 - out of ~로부터 / ~의 밖으로 1. [근원/출처] out of s/t : s/t 으로부터 기인한 - out of curiosity : 궁금증으로부터 기인한, - out of concern : 걱정으로부터 - out of guilt : 죄책감으로부터 - out of the goodnees of one's heart : 친절한 마음으로부터, 순수한 마음에서 - out of self interest : 자신의 이득으로부터 - out of spite : 악의로부터 - out of pity : 불쌍한 마음으로부터 - out of respect : 존중하는 마음으로부터 2. ~의 밖으로 - It's out of the question : 질문 밖에 있다. --> 질문할 가치도 없다. , impossible. ex) Could you lend m..
2021-05-20 : Writing - 대화문/단문 [A] A : Hey, what's up? B : Same old, same old. um... Can I get it off my chest? A : Hey, what happened? B : Yesterday, my husband twisted my arm to buy a new car. A : But, you bought your car just last year? B : Yeah... Even he didn't drive a hard bargain. I gave up. Today, we will go to dealor shop to make a contract. A : Hold a second. One of my best frineds knock himself out for ABC dealer s..