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English Expression & Idioms W9 - May 17th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Ranting and raving Complaining and arguing (often loudly) . I was in line at Costco for an hour because some lady was ranting and raving because she didn’t want to wear a mask. *Karen : rude, selfish, racism, annoying… 전형적인 미국 여성 이름, 항상 불평/불만하는 사람 - supermarket Karen, space Karen, drive-through Karen, New York Karen, cellphone Karen... - Don’t be a Karen. 2 ..
시급한 교정 #12 - 교통수단 1. take - (교통수단 - 이동) 이용하다. - Will you take a taxi to go to the airport? *drive - I'm going to drive there - I'm going to take my car. 2. get on - 승차하다. - Get on the subway! - Get in my car, I'll take you on my way home. 3. go on - (놀이기구) 타다 - go on a ride (놀이기구를 타다) - Do you go on a roller coaster - I'm going to go ride my bike today along the Han river. 4. walk - 걸어가다. - I'm going to walk. * (..
시급한 교정 #11 - 기대하다 1. 기대하다 1) 좋은 일이 있을거라는 들뜬 마음 - I can't wait. (감탄사에 가까운) . I can't wait to graduate and start making money. . I can't wait to get a job. - I'm really looking forward to the movie. - We are really loking forward to the trip next week. 2) "예상하다"라는 의미에 더 가까운 '기대' - You must not expect your parents to do everything for you. - I was expecting everyone to be(come) on time. - I don't really expect every..
시급한 교정 #10 - 내가 알기로는 / 내가 듣기로는 / 내가 보기에는 1. as far as I know [understand] : 내가 알기로는 = based on what i know = according to what I know = to (the best of) my knowledge - As far as I know, that movie is releasing this week. - As far as I know, it takes more than one week to send a parcel from here to Korea. - As fas as I konw, he has two boys. 2. from what I hear : 내가 듣기로는 / from what I've heard I was told (that)... : 공개된 내용이 아닌 나에게 개인적으로..
시급한 교정 #09 - 오랜만에 1. 오랜만에 : 상황 설명을 통해 ex) 오랜만에 친구들을 만났어요 1) 오랜만에 만나는 친구들? --> 오랫동안 만나지 않았던 친구들을 만났어 - I hung out with some friedns who I hadn't seen in[for] a long time. 2) 친구들을 만나는 것 자체가 오랜만? --> - I hung out with some friends, which I hadn't done in a long time. - I went to a coffee shop and I read a book, which I hadn't done in a long time. - I ate out for dinner, which i hadn't done in a long time. [We hadn't..
시급한 교정 #08 - 색깔 / 성격 / 분위기 1. spend[waste] time (on) ~ing - Last weekend, I spent a lot of time cleaning my house. - I wasted a lot of time playing computer games. 2. red color : 색을 말할때, "color"를 안 붙이는 게 좋음 3. 걔는 성격이 좋아. - His personality is nice. --> He's nice / kind. 4. 와, 여기 분위기 좋다. - Wow, the atmosphere is really nice here. --> Wow, it's really nice here. 🛠영어회화 | 시급한 영어 교정 #08 | 색깔, 사람의 성격, 장소의 분위기에 대해서 말할 때 - YouTube
시급한 교정 #07 1. so VS that's why 1) so : 어떤 일에 대한 결과/대처 - I hurt my hand. So I went to the hospital. - I cannot speak French at all. So, I registered French course. 2) that's why : 어떤 일에 대한 이유, 해명 - My battery ran out. That's why I couldn't call you. - I cannot speak French at all. That's why I haven't gotten a job. *내가 어떤 상황의 이유를 말하고자 하는 것인지, 결과를 말하고자 하는 것인지 2. give DO to IO / give IO DO - I gave some money..
시급한 교정 #06 - 결국, 결국은, 결국에는 1. 결국, 결국은, 결국에는 - I eventually found what I was looking for. - Eventually, we couldn't decide where to go. - Eventually, it's up to you. It's your decision. - When you consider everything, eventually they're all the same. - We have no much time, bad weather, and I felt a little bit tired. Eventually we dicided to stay home. * finally : 드디어, 마침내 - I finally found what I wanted. - I applied to th..