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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W10- May 25th, 2021

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 On a shoestring Low amount of money, low budget, little to no funds
. When he started his business, Jeff Bezos was working out of his parents’ garage. He was working on a shoestring budget.
. This film was made on a shoestring but it made a bundle and became all the rage.
2 Track record History of performance
. I really trust that company to repair and renovate my home. They have a great track record.
. He has a track record for lying.
. Today, he was late 30 minutes and he got canned because he has a poor track record. He is always late 20 ~ 30 minutes.
3 To make (one’s) day s/t or s/o that really makes you happy.
. When the teacher told the students that there will be no school on Turusday, it “make their day!”. It was music to their ears.
. I won the lottery last night. It made my day!              No way!
. My wife gave a birth to my son. It really made my day!
4 nuts and bolts All the details, all the small but important stuff
. They lawyers will bring us the contract. We can discuss all the nuts and bolts with them.
. Make sure check all the nuts and bolts before you sign the house rental contract.
5 To be nuts about To like/love very much
. Nick is nuts about teaching idioms and vocabulary to his history.
. Nowadays I’m nuts about inline skate.
6 To be nuts Crazy, strange, insane, off one’s rocker
. The lady is yelling and screaming in the middle of street. I think she’s nuts!
. He was absent on Math exam day. He was nuts.