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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W9 - May 17th, 2021

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Ranting and raving Complaining and arguing (often loudly)
. I was in line at Costco for an hour because some lady was ranting and raving because she didn’t want to wear a mask.
*Karen : rude, selfish, racism, annoying… 
                전형적인 미국 여성 이름, 항상 불평/불만하는 사람
    - supermarket Karen, space Karen, drive-through Karen, New York Karen, cellphone Karen...
    - Don’t be a Karen.
2 Speak of the devil 호랑이도 하면 온다더니
. As soon as I told him about her, she came in my class. Speak of the devil.
3 To be taken aback Shocked, surprised
. My neighbor is usually very kind and friendly, so I was taken aback when he started telling me off for no apparent reason. He may have some screws loose[missing], after all.
. I arrived in Canada 6month ago. I was taken aback that I saw them yesterday my kids communicated with their friends in French as well as English.
4 To blow s/t out of proportion to exaggerate                       ~ 과장하다. (항상 작은 것을 가지고 크게 부풀림)
. I was 5 minutes late for work this morning. First time that ever happened. For some reason the boss canned me on the spot! I told him he was blowing things out of proportion but he just wouldn’t listen.    Immediately
. My kid just cough one time last night. My wife surprised and was supposed to take him to hospital. I thought she blew things out of proportion.
5 throw the book at s/o To punish severely (and justly), to give s/o the full/maximum punishment possible by law
. They caught the people who attacked the elderly lady last week. I hope they throw the book at them!
. A man killed 100 people. Please put him in the jail and throw the book at him.
6 To sweep s/t under the rug Hide or cover up a scandal
. The Prime Minister was receiving money from large corporations in turn for some favors. Now, he’s trying his best to sweep it under the rug.
*under the rug    : usually scandal
*In the closet      : usually secret
*out of the closet: coming out

7 Our hearts go out to you Your sympathy
. I’m sorry for your loss. I want to offer my sympathy and condolences for the loss of your grandfather. My heart goes out to you and your family.
. My heart goes out to people who loss their parents from this war.
*Last night, my grandfather passed away.     : verb.
Michael Jackson is dead.                                   : adj.
He died 10 years ago                                         : verb.
8 Get your act together Get organized, get prepared
. If John doesn’t get his act together soon, he’s going to get the ax.
. Hey, John! I think you need to get your act together. You may be on thin ice with the boss.
9 Knock oneself out Worked very hard like a dog
. I had a party at my house last night. I knocked myself out all week preparing for it.
. I knocked myself out to learn English everyday. And I finally can speak English fluently.
. (Situation at the convenience store)
  A) Thanks for shopping.
B) my pleasure. Don’t knock yourself out!