No. | Expressions/idioms | Explanations |
1 | Selling like hotcakes | Selling very quickly and successfully 날개 돋친 듯이 팔리다. . The new iPhone is selling like hotcakes. . These jeans are my fist product I designed but is was selling like hotcakes. |
2 | a tall order | A big and sometimes difficult task . Teaching English to immigrants and new arrivals to Canada can sometimes be a tall order, but it’s also a lot of fun! . When I came to Canada, learning French language was a vert tall order, because it has more difficult grammar structure and even I haven’t learned about it. |
3 | To burn the midnight oil | To stay awake all night working or studying . Maria has been burning the midnight oil all week in preparation for her exams. . After I checked my kids homework, I started to burn the midnight oil to study English. |
4 | To deliver the goods | To give people what they are expecting from someone or something . We hired Bob last year to become the new head chef in our restaurant. He had an amazing resume and lots of experience under his belt. Unfortunately, he isn’t delivering the goods, so we nee to let him go. . I studied English hard and even I stayed awake all night for the final exam. But I got a low grade of English subject. It didn’t deliver the goods. . To lose my weight, I exercise two hours a day. After 1 week, I measured my weight, I was frustrated. Because I gained the weight. It didn’t deliver the goods. |
5 | Sitting pretty | To be in a nice, good, lucky or sweet situation . John’s grandfather passed away last month. He was down in the dumps when he found out about it. He recently learned that his grandfather was secretly saving his money and his grandfather left John over a million dollars! John is really sitting pretty now. . He moved to Canada last year and until now he didn’t get a job. But he looks sitting pretty. . He tried to earn money. He got up early and work hardly. But I don’t need to do that. I am sitting pretty because I won the lottery last week. I am rich. |
6 | Rest assured | Rest without stress, be confident, guaranteed, DON’T WORRY - RELAX . My car was stolen last night. I called the police and they told me to rest assured that they will find the people that took my care! . Tomorrow, John has a job interview. This is last chance to join the ABC company. He is nervous wreck. So, I told him to rest assured. |
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