English/Expression . Idioms (68) 썸네일형 리스트형 Jon & Amy : Lesson 12. Meeting the Parents No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 What are you up to? What are you doing? / What are your plans? . What are you up to? // I’m just hitting the books for tomorrow’s exam. . What are you up to this summer vacation? // I have no clue. 2 Have a lot on one’s plate To have a lot to do / to be busy . What are you up to over spring break? // I don’t have a lot on my plate. Why? . Do you have time? /.. Jon & Amy : Lesson 11. Talking about Future Plans No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Time flies! Time goes by so fast! . Time flies! Tomorrow is the final exam and we’re gonna get summer vacation! . I thought I always keep teenager. But I am already 40 year old man. Time flies! . My daughter will go to school this year. Time flies! 2 Long road A path that takes a long time to travel . We’re graduating from college this year. Yes, It’s been a.. English Expression & Idioms W11- June 2nd, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To break into To enter illegally with force/suddenly . A thief broke into my car last night and stole some of my belongings. . She broke into the castle and took Rapunzel. Suddenly become famous successful . Michael Jackson broke into show business when he was just a kid. . He was the only person who has a IQ200 in the world. He broke into the intelligent or.. English Expression & Idioms W11- May 31th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 All along The whole time . I was playing hide-and-seek with my son, Jason. I couldn’t find him anywhere. He was hiding under his bed all along. . He stayed up all night last night. So, he couldn’t concentrate the English class all along. . She felt very tired. Eventually, she slept today all along. 2 To freak out To lose control emotionally / strong emotiona.. English Expression & Idioms W10- May 28th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To stop by To pay a short visit, usually spontaneous or unannounced . Yesterday, I decided to stop by and visit my friend at his place of work. . Thanks for stopping by! ( = Thanks for dropping by! = Thanks for passing by! = Thanks for swinging by!) 2 To hold a grudge To continue keeping hard feelings against someone after a disagreement, a fight or a argues.. English Expression & Idioms W10- May 26th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 That’s the way the cookie crumbles Nothing you can do, that’s life, C’est la vie, “those are the breaks” . I was late for my job interview by just ONE NIMUTE! That was enough time for them to see someone else before me. He ended up getting the job instead of me. I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles. * crumbs = small broken pieces of food that we usuall.. English Expression & Idioms W6 - April 28th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To crunch some numbers To calculate to play with numbers in order to see where you’re at . I really want to buy a new car, but with the economy not doing so well, and my boss not giving me a raise, I’m not sure if I can afford one or not. I think I need to crunch some numbers to see what I can do. . I prepared income tax refund document, and I crunched some .. English Expression & Idioms W5 - April 20th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To be in good spirits To be in a good mood . John is usually grumpy in the mornings but today he seems to be in good spirits. I wonder why? (grumpy = cranky = techy = crabby = easily irritated / in a bad mood) 2 To beat around the bush To talk around a subject and to not get to the point, To avoid a subject by talking about other things . When I entered my b.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 다음