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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W4 - April 12th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Up in the air Not yet determined . I really want to go away this summer but our plans are still up in the air. . My mom really want to go to Canada to see my children. But, it’s up in the air due to C-19. 2 To be down in the dumps Miserable, depressed . John lost his job last week and he’s really down in the dumps. . He failed the exam, lost his wallet and h..
English Expression & Idioms W3 - April 9th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 to butt in To interrupt, to disturb, to cut in line . Nancy is always butting into other people’s conversations. . That man just butt into the lineup. 2 to be green with envy jealous . When John g8ot a promotion at work, many of his coworkers were happy for him. But, some others were green with envy. 3 gung ho Excited, very interested, very enthusiastic . Ou..
English Expression & Idioms W3 - April 8th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To blow it To mess it up, to spoil or ruin a good opportunity/situation . I had a job interview this morning. I really blew it by arriving 30 minutes late. 2 To slack off To waste time being lazy or not caring to do their work . Every time I go to Canadian Tire, nobody tries to help. They’re always slacking off instead of working. 3 To hit the books Study ha..
English Expression & Idioms W3 - April 6th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Right-hand man Most trusted and dependable assistant - (특히 중요 인물의) 오른팔 . Every entrepreneur needs a good right-hand man. . My friend, Jack, is my right-hand man. 2 To stab someone in the back To betray / to break your trust – 배신하다, 등을 치다 . John got fired because his best friend stab him in back by telling the boss that he was not doing his job properly. . He..
English Expression & Idioms W2 - May 31th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To put up with (st. or sb) To accept, to allow it to happen, endure . Georage is always late, but I put up with it because he’s my best friend. . He sometimes makes fun of me. But, I decided to put up with him. 2 A real flop A big failure . The new “Tom Cruise” movie was a real flop. It cost a hundred million to produce but nobody went to watch it. . Hillary..
English Expression & Idioms W2 - May 30th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Infant A newborn baby. First year of life . In the past, the death rate in infant is high due to low medical knowledge and facility. 2 Toddler A young child usually between ages 1 and 3ish. Has learned to walk but not very steady yet. . His second toddler still cannot stand. . Look at that toddler getting stand up. * Terrible Twos! 3 Adolescent Teenagers. Ki..
English Expression & Idioms W2 - May 29th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Be about to Be ready to . I was about to start working on my homework when the power suddenly went out. . She is pregnant and now, she is about to have a baby. 2 After all After you consider everything 어쨌든 / 결국에는 . I got into really big fight with John. I decided to invite him to my birthday party even though I’m still upset. After all, he’s still my brother..
English Expression & Idioms W1 - May 26th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Hit the road Go on a trip, begin to travel somewhere . I’ve got to hit the road now. 이제 그만 가봐야겠다. . I’d like to hit the road when I’m on vacation. 방학 때 여행하고 싶다. . Let’s hit the road to the nearby bookstore. 가까운 서점으로 출발하자. . hit the gas : drive faster 2 Up to (something) Doing something wrong or secret / planning to something bad . I wondered what my daughter..