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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W1 - May 25th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Speak of the devil When a person appears just after being mentioned. 호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다. (얘기하는 중 얘기 당사자가 나타남) . You speak of the devil, and he appears. . Speak of the devil, now he is here. 2 Pet peeve 극혐 (꼭 극혐이 아니거나 소소한 것에도 사용 가능함) . My pet peeve is people who eat too fast. . What are your pet peeves? . The doctors ranked this behavior as one of their biggest p..
English Expression & Idioms W11- June 2nd, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To break into To enter illegally with force/suddenly . A thief broke into my car last night and stole some of my belongings. . She broke into the castle and took Rapunzel. Suddenly become famous successful . Michael Jackson broke into show business when he was just a kid. . He was the only person who has a IQ200 in the world. He broke into the intelligent or..
English Expression & Idioms W1 Mar. 22th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Getting Acquainted To get to know someone/each other better. 2 An acquaintance someone you know, but who is not a close friend . She is just an acquaintance. I sometimes see her at night school. 3 To break the ice To make the atmosphere warmer by chatting or starting a conversation using a friendly / general subject . Sam’s arrival broke the ice and people b..
English Expression & Idioms W11- May 31th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 All along The whole time . I was playing hide-and-seek with my son, Jason. I couldn’t find him anywhere. He was hiding under his bed all along. . He stayed up all night last night. So, he couldn’t concentrate the English class all along. . She felt very tired. Eventually, she slept today all along. 2 To freak out To lose control emotionally / strong emotiona..
English Expression & Idioms W10- May 26th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 That’s the way the cookie crumbles Nothing you can do, that’s life, C’est la vie, “those are the breaks” . I was late for my job interview by just ONE NIMUTE! That was enough time for them to see someone else before me. He ended up getting the job instead of me. I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles. * crumbs = small broken pieces of food that we usuall..
English Expression & Idioms W10- May 28th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 To stop by To pay a short visit, usually spontaneous or unannounced . Yesterday, I decided to stop by and visit my friend at his place of work. . Thanks for stopping by! ( = Thanks for dropping by! = Thanks for passing by! = Thanks for swinging by!) 2 To hold a grudge To continue keeping hard feelings against someone after a disagreement, a fight or a argues..
English Expression & Idioms W10- May 25th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 On a shoestring Low amount of money, low budget, little to no funds . When he started his business, Jeff Bezos was working out of his parents’ garage. He was working on a shoestring budget. . This film was made on a shoestring but it made a bundle and became all the rage. 2 Track record History of performance . I really trust that company to repair and renov..
English Expression & Idioms W9 - May 17th, 2021 No. Expressions/idioms Explanations 1 Ranting and raving Complaining and arguing (often loudly) . I was in line at Costco for an hour because some lady was ranting and raving because she didn’t want to wear a mask. *Karen : rude, selfish, racism, annoying… 전형적인 미국 여성 이름, 항상 불평/불만하는 사람 - supermarket Karen, space Karen, drive-through Karen, New York Karen, cellphone Karen... - Don’t be a Karen. 2 ..