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생활 필수 표현 - 001. 집 1. get up (일어나다) VS wake up (깨다/깨우다) 2. take a shower - I took a shower last night. So, today I didn't take a shower. I'm not going to take a shower tonight. 3. have(eat) breakfast - I ate banada for breakfast - I'm going to have steak for lunch. 4. brush one's teeth - I brushed my teeth after breakfast today. - Are you gonna brush your teeth after dinner? - I'm going to brush my teeth. - I brus..
Expression Upgrade #12 - as far as (s/o, s/t) be concerned, 1. As far as s/o is concenred, - As far as I'm concerned, you didn't do anything wrong. (내가 보기엔 넌 아무 잘못이 없어, - 좀 더 개인적인 견해) *The way I see it, you didn't do anything wrong. (좀 더 중립적인 관념) They way I see it, you warned him, right? And he didn't listen. So, you didn't do anything wrong. - It bothers me, too. But as far as he's concerned, it's his money and he can do whatever he wants with it. (..걔 ..
Expression Upgrade #11 - to name a few / to say the least / least of all 1. (just) to name a few : ~말고도 더 있어요 - I love traveling Southeast Asia. I've been to the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia (just) to name a few. I think Thailand was my favorite. - I've tried many different diets - Atkins, Keto, intermittent fasting (just) to name a few. For me, intermittent fasting was the hardest. 2. to say the least : 그냥 ...한 정도가 아니었어 (가장 약하게 말한 거야) - The show started off re..
Expression Upgrade #09 - What is there to ~ : ~할게 뭐가 있어? 1. 1) Are you worried about something? : 뭐 걱정되는게 있으세요? 2) What are you worried about? : 뭐가 걱정되세요? 3) Why are you worried about that? : 그게 돼 걱정되세요? ==> Why worry? (뭐하러 걱정해? 걱정해서 뭐해?) ==> Why wait? (뭐하러 기다려? 기다려서 뭐해?) ==> What is there to worry about? ==> What is there to talk about? (걱정할 게 뭐가 있어? = 걱정할 것이 없다.) . What is there to think about? . What is there to cook? . What is there to study? . Wh..
Expression Upgrade #08 - ahead I thought you might ask. I'm getting ahead of myself. 영어 표현력 UP 🔥 ahead 의 다양한 활용 - YouTube
Expression Upgrade #07 - 생각보다 괜찮아. It looks / sounds (a lot) worse than it (actually) is. : 실제보다 더 않좋아보여. --> 실제는 더 괞찮아. = It's not as bad as it looks/sounds. = It's not that bad. 영어의 희한한 표현방식 🤔 "생각보다 괜찮다" → It's looks worse than it is - YouTube
Expression Upgrade #06 - out of ~로부터 / ~의 밖으로 1. [근원/출처] out of s/t : s/t 으로부터 기인한 - out of curiosity : 궁금증으로부터 기인한, - out of concern : 걱정으로부터 - out of guilt : 죄책감으로부터 - out of the goodnees of one's heart : 친절한 마음으로부터, 순수한 마음에서 - out of self interest : 자신의 이득으로부터 - out of spite : 악의로부터 - out of pity : 불쌍한 마음으로부터 - out of respect : 존중하는 마음으로부터 2. ~의 밖으로 - It's out of the question : 질문 밖에 있다. --> 질문할 가치도 없다. , impossible. ex) Could you lend m..
Expression Upgrade #05 - It's just that I know how to do it. It's just that I'm not really sure if I want to do it. 어떻게 하는지는 알아, 그냥... 내가 정말 그걸 하고 싶은 건지를 몰라서 그래... A : Hey do you hate your sister or something? B : What? What makes you think that? A : Well, it's just that I see you guys argue all the time. 그냥... 보면 항상 다투길래... B : No! I don't hate my sister. We get along fine. It's just that we're both really stubborn. 그냥.. 둘 다 고집이 너무 세..