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Expression Upgrade #04 - you know how ~잖아 You know how 상호간에 알고 있는 것에 대한 상기 및 그것에 대하여 내가 할말이 있을 때, A : You know how you often keep your bluetooth off to save (your) battery. B : Yeah A : Well, I heard that makes almost no difference. B : really. A : Yeah, Apparently. A : Hey, you know how we sometimes spend weeks looking for a good deal on a product we're lookingg to buy. B : Yeah. A : Well, they say that when you take into account the f..
Expression Upgrade #03 - for : ~치고는 1. for : ~치고는 - It's pretty big for a 3 month old. : 3개월 된 것 치고는 꽤 크네. - It's really good for a 10 thousand won pizza. : 1만원짜리 피자 치고는 꽤 맛있는데. - For a public bathroom in a park of this size, it's a pretty good bathroom. : 이 정도 크기의 공원 안에 있는 공중화장실 치고는 괜찮은 편이지. - It's pretty good quality for something you bought at a dollar store. : 1달러샵에서 산 것 치고는 품질이 꽤 좋은데. - For someone who has just lost her mothe..
Expression Upgrade #02 - end up 1. end up : 결국 (어떤 상태/상황에) 이르게 되다. 1) end up like : - I don't want to end up like last time. : 난 지난번처럼 되고 싶진 않아. - Do you want to end up like your brother? - Eventually, I ended up like my mentor. - If I continue to learn something new and burn midnight oil to improve my skill, I will eventually ended up like the people, who work for a short time and make a bundle than people around me. 2) end u..
Expression Upgrade #01 - 놓치고 있는 영어표현 1. That's all there is to it. : (복잡하게 생각할 것이 없다) 그냥 그게 다다 어려운 것이 있다면, 그냥 시간을 들여서 배우면 된다. (복잡하게 생각할 것이 없다) 그냥 그게 다다 If something is difficult, just take time to learn it. That's (really) all there is to it. That's (really) all (that there is) to it. 2. There (really) isn't much to it. : 정말 별거 없어 처음에 배울 때는 확실히 시간이 좀 걸리는데, 기초에 대한 감을 한번 잡고 나면 정말 별것 없어. 어느정도 수준을 지나고 나면 시간 문제야 It takes time to learn i..
시급한 교정 #12 - 교통수단 1. take - (교통수단 - 이동) 이용하다. - Will you take a taxi to go to the airport? *drive - I'm going to drive there - I'm going to take my car. 2. get on - 승차하다. - Get on the subway! - Get in my car, I'll take you on my way home. 3. go on - (놀이기구) 타다 - go on a ride (놀이기구를 타다) - Do you go on a roller coaster - I'm going to go ride my bike today along the Han river. 4. walk - 걸어가다. - I'm going to walk. * (..
시급한 교정 #11 - 기대하다 1. 기대하다 1) 좋은 일이 있을거라는 들뜬 마음 - I can't wait. (감탄사에 가까운) . I can't wait to graduate and start making money. . I can't wait to get a job. - I'm really looking forward to the movie. - We are really loking forward to the trip next week. 2) "예상하다"라는 의미에 더 가까운 '기대' - You must not expect your parents to do everything for you. - I was expecting everyone to be(come) on time. - I don't really expect every..
시급한 교정 #10 - 내가 알기로는 / 내가 듣기로는 / 내가 보기에는 1. as far as I know [understand] : 내가 알기로는 = based on what i know = according to what I know = to (the best of) my knowledge - As far as I know, that movie is releasing this week. - As far as I know, it takes more than one week to send a parcel from here to Korea. - As fas as I konw, he has two boys. 2. from what I hear : 내가 듣기로는 / from what I've heard I was told (that)... : 공개된 내용이 아닌 나에게 개인적으로..
시급한 교정 #09 - 오랜만에 1. 오랜만에 : 상황 설명을 통해 ex) 오랜만에 친구들을 만났어요 1) 오랜만에 만나는 친구들? --> 오랫동안 만나지 않았던 친구들을 만났어 - I hung out with some friedns who I hadn't seen in[for] a long time. 2) 친구들을 만나는 것 자체가 오랜만? --> - I hung out with some friends, which I hadn't done in a long time. - I went to a coffee shop and I read a book, which I hadn't done in a long time. - I ate out for dinner, which i hadn't done in a long time. [We hadn't..